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Correction of Previous Reconstruction

At the Center for Breast Restoration, we frequently have patients come in seeking corrective breast surgery after a previous breast reconstruction surgery left them with unsatisfactory results. Breast reconstruction revision procedures are not uncommon for breast cancer patients and the 1998 Federal Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act even mandates that insurance plans provide coverage for all phases of breast reconstruction, including revision surgeries to correct symmetry and contour issues.

Common reasons for undergoing corrective breast surgery after reconstruction include:
  • Previous breast flap failure
  • Breast infection Contour abnormalities of the breast or donor tissue site
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Breast pain
  • Breast implant deformity from subpectoral implant placement, or pectoral animation
  • Capsular contracture (hardening of scar tissue around the breast implant)
  • Breast implant rupture
  • Implant displacement (shifting)
  • Visual wrinkling or rippling of breast implant

Dr. Spiegel is highly experienced in using breast reconstruction methods to address breast revision issues and calls upon her innovation and surgical expertise to tailor a plan to address your specific concerns.

In patients with a significant deformity from a previous failed procedure or recurrent capsular contracture of breast implants, autologous tissue reconstruction can be an excellent option. Autologous flap reconstruction uses the patient’s own skin, fat, and tissue to reconstruct the breasts. Since flap procedures use the individual’s own tissue, there is no risk of implant rupture or capsular contracture. The breast will also grow and change with the rest of the body as aging and weight fluctuations occur.

Dr. Spiegel has also pioneered the prepectoral placement of breast implants. This advance in breast reconstruction involves the placement of the breast implant above the pectoralis, or chest muscle. Dr. Spiegel has converted multiple patients’ breast implants from below the muscle to above the muscle, correcting deformities including breast tightness, implant displacement, and pectoral animation, while at the same time restoring a natural shape and softness to the breast.

Simpler techniques can also be used to correct a previous breast reconstruction including fat grafting, implant exchange, excision of breast capsule, or potentially a combination of these techniques. During your consultation, all your breast reconstruction revision options will be reviewed, and Dr. Spiegel will work with you to tailor a plan that best fits your needs and desires.

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